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Chosen In Love

by Leona England Karni

[published December 2006]










Chosen in Love is available online at:     USA:   Pleasant Word  or   Amazon   |   Europe:   Amazon UK


chosen in love

is the story of a young woman who was full of anger, fear, guilt, and shame. She used anger to deal with her pain. After the Lord entered her life, He gently unfolded truth to her, memory by memory, while giving her the needed strength to extend and receive forgiveness. Her trust in the Lord deepened as she yielded to His leading and took steps of faith that ultimately led her around the world in His service. He redirected the energy of her anger to fight for exploited children in Thailand; she developed a ministry that prevented 12 year-old girls from entering the slave market by enabling them to continue their government education. In Africa, she trained leaders to work with children traumatized by war and ministered to teen soldiers. She reached out to Palestinian children in the Middle East by developing summer camp programs, and she pioneered a Bible College extension campus for Christian Arabs in East Jerusalem. But as she traveled the world ministering to others, God was working deep inside her taking her spirit on its own journey: an inward journey from the bondage of anger to the freedom of His love. The silent work of God broke the shackles of fear and anger that had held her captive for a lifetime. Eventually, He led her home again to care for both her mother (who had been the object of much of her anger), and her younger brother who was dying of cancer. In caring for these two family members during their last days here on earth, she received what she had struggled for all her life—acceptance and love.


Leona earned her Master of Arts degree in Israel. She has served the Lord in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. The work that she founded in Thailand continues today with girls contributing to Thai society in occupations such as teachers, editors, police officers, and housemothers (WWAV hostels). In Israel the ministry to Christian Arabs continues. Her writings have been published in Thai; and her poetry has been on exhibition at Thamasat University.


































In His Image

by Leona England Karni

[published July 2007]

~ Available in Spanish see below ~





























In His Image is available online at:     USA:   Xulon Press or   Amazon      |      A Su Imagen   Amazon (Espaňol)


In His Image

is a collection of studies based upon the premise that God created man in His image with the intent that man reflect that image. God has always set a perfect example of a loving father for man to follow. Man, however, chose not to follow this example and rebelled. Through sin the image of God has become distorted, and what is reflected in most of man’s personal relationships is a varying degree of that distortion. In this study of the history of biblical families, the distorted image these biblical characters passed on is examined. Of special interest are the choices they made and the consequences of those choices within their families. Each chapter concludes with a comparison of the image that man reflected to the example God has set. Personal application questions are designed to challenge one to consider the image they are reflecting in their families and personal relationships.


Leona Karni earned a Master’s Degree in Middle Eastern Studies from Jerusalem University College in Israel. She has taught at Bible colleges and spoken in churches and women’s groups in Asia, Africa, Europe, Israel, and the United States. She has studied four other languages, Hebrew being one of them, and has lived in many different cultures, which has enriched her understanding and teaching of the Bible. As a missionary, Leona pioneered a Bible College extension campus in East Jerusalem for Christian Palestinians. She has also served in Thailand, and was involved in short term missions in Liberia, Cambodia, Vietnam, Hong Kong and many other countries. Today Leona Karni heads a ministry, also named In His Image, through which she teaches seminars that equip the participants to minister the Father’s love to the wounded hearts of women and children, and how to use scripture and prayer to deal with life’s circumstances.





























A Su Imagen

by Leona England Karni

[published September 2007]



























A Su Imagen is available online at:   Xulon Press   or   Amazon  


a su imagen

La premisa básica de esta colección de estudios es que Dios creó al hombre a Su imagen con la intención de que el hombre reflejara esa imagen. Dios siempre ha puesto un perfecto ejemplo de un padre amoroso para que el hombre lo siguiera. El hombre, sin embargo, decidió no seguir este ejemplo y se rebeló. A través del pecado la imagen de Dios se ha distorsionado, y lo que es reflejado en la mayoría de las relaciones personales del hombre es una variada gradación de esa distorsión. En este estudio de las historias de las familias bíblicas, la imagen distorsionada que tienen estos personajes bíblicos es examinada. De especial interés son las decisiones que toman y las consecuencias dentro de sus familias a causa de esas decisiones. Cada capítulo concluye con una comparación entre la imagen que el hombre refleja y el ejemplo que Dios ha puesto. Las preguntas de aplicación personal están diseñadas para retarlo a uno a considerar la imagen que está reflejando en su familia y en las relaciones personales.



Leona Karni obtuvo una maestría en Estudios del Medio Este de la Universidad de Jerusalén en Israel. Ella ha enseñado en colegios Bíblicos y ha hablado en iglesias y en grupos de mujeres en Asia, África, Europa, Israel y los Estados Unidos. Ha estudiado otras cuatro lenguas, siendo el hebreo una de ellas, y ha vivido en muchas diferentes culturas, lo que ha enriquecido su entendimiento y enseñanza de la Biblia. Como misionera, Leona fue pionera en la creación de una extensión de una facultad universitaria en el Este de Jerusalén para Palestinos Cristianos. También ha servido en Tailandia, y participó en misiones de corto plazo en Liberia, Camboya, Vietnam, Hong Kong y muchos otros países. Hoy en día Leona Karni encabeza un ministerio también llamado A Su Imagen, a través del cual ella enseña seminarios que equipan a los participantes a transmitir el amor del Padre a los corazones heridos de mujeres y niños, y les enseñan cómo leer las escrituras y cómo rezar para lidiar con las circunstancias de sus vidas.



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